I had seen a great many number of ships make their start there, such as Kyle Hudak's impressive TITANIC, Dom Vaccaro's MAURETANIA, FRANCE, and UNITED STATES, Miguel Murdoch's much beloved SS NORWAY, Michael Richmond's QUEEN MARY, and so many others. The forum served its purpose of providing a place for model makers around the globe to post pictures of their latest WIP's. Virtual Sailor even had it own support forum which I had joined in early 2008.

The user can then add workable instruments such as propellers, rudders, telegraphs, compasses, basically any component a ship will need to navigate could be used. The game has a user modification application to it, to where people across the world can import any type of floating vessel into the game. By the time I had come across it in 2007, the game was in its 7th generation.

Our story begins with the sailing simulator known as Virtual Sailor, created by Ilan Papini.