For comparison purposes, any measurement curves can even be superimposed onto each other – even those of differing types. The various hits on the list can be integrated into the evaluation graphs with a single click of the mouse. When using Identify, a hit list is produced – of the type known, for example, in spectroscopy. The NETZSCH libraries supplied include more than 1,300 entries from the application fields of polymers, organics, food, pharma, metals/alloys, ceramics and inorganics, as well as the chemical elements. With a single click, experimental curves (even ones that are not yet evaluated) can thus be checked for agreement with stored individual curves, literature data or statistical classes. Via database comparisons, it only takes a few seconds for Identify to identify and classify materials. The specific heat capacity is related to a unit mass of the specimen.cp curves).

In the field of thermal analysis, Identify is the only software of its kind (beginning with Proteus ®® version 7.1 applicable to DSC, TGA, DIL, TMA and Specific Heat Capacity (cp) Heat capacity is a material-specific physical quantity, determined by the amount of heat supplied to specimen, divided by the resulting temperature increase.